New, Weird and Scary
Technology 411 Blog will showcase the new, weird and scary items happening in the world of Technology. If you see something you think others would be interested in, send us an email using the Contact Tab. Your email address will never be used for spam and we don't sell address.
This year's Password Analysis is making the rounds. As crazy as it sounds the worst passwords continue to be the most used. If it helps use very long passwords that form a phrase you can remember. The new accepted minimum is sixteen (16) characters. Throw in a capital and a number and rest is easy.
The new approach is to use passkeys. While easy to use I would recommend you have some understanding of how they work and how to safeguard them.
Please don't be one of these people.
Strong Passwords
What is a Strong Password and how do you create them?
We all need passwords so lets create ones that protect us.
If you forgot your password, could you access your account?
Sooner or later you are going to forget your password. That or someone trying to access your account illegally is going to set off the alarm bells. Do you have what it takes to regain access to your account?
Read more: If you forgot your password, could you access your account?
Microsoft 365 Subscription
Are you a user of a Microsoft 365 subscription?
Android Ups the Ante on Security
Are you using the recent security features that Google has announced for Android.